
Monday, September 18, 2006

Greedo shoots never

This week I finally purchased and now own the original Star Wars trilogy in its original form on DVD. No cheesy cartoon characters, Han shoots first (actually, Han shoots, Greedo just dies), Luke doesn't scream as he plummits from cloud city, and our heroes celebrate to a festive ewok jam while Hayden Christiansen remains unborn. To honor this momentous occasion, Lucasfilm was kind enough to include, as bonus material, a Star Wars special edition commemorative coaster set. Now you can remember that lively music video in Jabba's Palace everytime you put down your Jack and Coke. You can relive the Death Star's explosion donut everytime you save your end table from an inevitable coffee stain. In other news, a new set of Star Wars toys have been released. Now, it has been years since I have paid any attention to Star Wars toys, but every once in a while, something truly special comes along. Finally, the secret abilities of the Millenium Falcon are revealed. Thats right, the Millenium Falcon splits in half to become "heroic" Han and Chewbacca mechs (robots). I weep for the future.

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